Last 31st Sunday, a group of policemen have arrived at dawn and set fire to a Muslim village Kandalkadu and a Muslim mosque in the Kinniya District and chased away 54 families who were resident there.
The victims say that the police has told them that this suffering was inflicted on the poor villagers by the Governor of the East Brigadier Mohan Jayawickrema.
These unfortunate Muslims are long time residents of Kandalkadu village, and they have registered deeds which they received in 1933 and 1945.There are over 130 families who were displaced due to the war resident in this village and had taken up residence in Kandalkadu. They have gone to their homes after the Trincomalee District Secretary had given written permission to them to stay.
Though these victims have shown their deeds and the letter given to them by the District Secretariat, the police have not heeded any of their pleas. The police had said they have no right to be in those places and questioned how they came into those jungles. After saying that they should obey what they say, the Police have set fire to the houses.
The mosque that was also set fire by the police had been built in 1972, the Kandalkadu residents say. These victims are refugees in the Kinniya Al adhan Vidyalaya.
The Governor, Brigadier Jayawickrema Mohan had arranged for a meeting with these Muslim victims yesterday, he has later postponed it.
A report had been asked from the Kinniya Grama niladhariya. The Grama nildhariya has reported that the victims are resident for a long time ; they have the janasaviya and samurdhi reliefs ; and they are registered even in the electoral registers.
When Lanka e news tried to contact the Governor over the phone regarding this issue, a person answering the call told,Jayawickrema has not come to office today.
When Ranjith Silva's office was contacted, an officer answering said, the District Secretary had gone to the Kinniya District Secretariat.
The pictures depict the raging fire engulfing the houses; a house that has been completely burnt down; a family which is rendered destitute after the fire waiting with their remaining implements and wares; and the police guarding the place burnt down preventing anybody from entering the area.