What is going to happen to me the first night in my grave?

What is going to happen to me the first night in my grave?
What have I prepared for death?
Will I be in heaven or Hell fire?
How often do I remember death?

Think about the moment your body is being washed and prepared to enter your grave...

Think about the day people will be carrying you to your grave.. And your families crying..

Think about the moment you are put in your grave

Just imagine.. imaging yourself in your grave..down there in that dark hole...

ALONE... it's too DARK... you cry for help, but there is no answer...

Nobody can help you... it's too NARROW.. your bones are squashed...

You regret all the bad things you've done during your life...

You regret missing the PRAYERS you regret being drunk You regret your disrespectful manners towards everyone, especially your parents.. You regret ignoring the orders of God..











Sakaraat is the state of dissolution just before death when the soul is about to abandon the body. A trance-like condition closes upon one's senses and a kind of coma overcomes the mind. It is time for the life to pull itself out of the body. It is a period of the most agonizing pain. It is the hour of death or the mortification of the soul. Imam Ghazaali(RA) explains the severity of the agony in these words:

"If there were was a thorn in one's side, the feeling of pain would be confined to a particular place because it hurts the living tissues at that point only. If, however, a part of one's body is branded with red hot iron or a piece of live charcoal is placed somewhere on it, causing a wound, the impact of the burn is felt all over the body. If a burn can cause such wide-spread sensation, what will the painful process of attrition of one's soul and extermination of life which ravages the body and mind, do, can be hardly imagined, much less described. There is not a single part or limb of the body which is not affected by the struggle between life and death during one's final moments. It is from each and every point that life is oozing out - including every little vein and sinew, every tiny hair and tissue, every pore and part of skin, causing the most excruciating pain. One had better not ask about the severity of the pain since it is indeed most agonizing. It is the reason that it is said that as compared to being hacked by the sword and split apart by a saw or cut to pieces by a pair of scissors, the parting of the soul from the body is far more dreadful and torturous."


The signs of Sakaraat are that the veins and sinews of the body become stretched and stiff; the face becomes colorless and the complexion become dull and muddy; the bridge of the nose turns to one side; the eye-balls get displaced, moving upwards; a gurgling and choking sound emerges from the throat which become parched and the feet become cold, limp and lifeless. Observing these signs, one should realize that the throes of death(Sakaraat) have commenced. May Allah make it easy for us, Ameen.


When observing the signs of Sakaraat in a fellow Muslim, it is desirable(Mustahab) that the dying person be turned to his bed onto his right side with the face turned towards the Qiblah. This position is in keeping with the Sunnah. If it is not possible to do so, lay him on his back with feet towards the Qiblah and head raised a bit in the direction of the Qibla. If these arrangements cause inconvenience to the dying person or difficulty in carrying out this method, leave him/her as he is.

The most important duty at the time of Sakaraat is the Kalimah Shahaadat. Recite the Kalimah close to the ear of the dying one. Alternatively, Kalimah Tayyibah may be recited also. Recite the Kalimah softly repeatedly, but do not ask the dying one to recite it. Continue reciting the Kalimah until the dying person has recited it(on his/her own) or indicates by signs that he/she acknowledges it. If after having recited the Kalimah, the dying person indulges in any other talk, repeat the process of reciting the Kalimah as explained earlier. The purpose of this is to ensure that the Kalimah are the last words of the dying persons.

Besides the Kalimah, it is Mustahab for those present to recite Surah Ya Sin and Surah Rad. If the dying person is in his/her pain and anguish utters something untoward or in contradiction to Imaan, do not attach any importance to such utterance. The time of maut is indeed grave and critical. The utterance was in all probably made while the dying one was not in his proper senses. After death, arrangements for the Islamic burial of the dead should be quickly made. There should be no unnecessary delay.


For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this "sludge" reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.
A serious note about heart attacks - You should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting. Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line.
You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack. Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms. 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know the better chance we could survive.


Tata Motors unveils cheapest car..!

Tata Motors has unveiled the world's cheapest motor car at India's biggest car show in the capital Delhi. The vehicle, called the Tata Nano, will sell for 100,000 rupees or $2,500 (£1,277) and enable those in developing countries to move to four wheels.
The four-door five-seater car, which goes on sale later this year, has a 33bhp, 624cc, engine at the rear.
It has no air conditioning, no electric windows and no power steering, but two deluxe models will be on offer.
Its release comes as India's domestic car market is predicted to soar in the coming years on the back of the country's fast-growing economy and increased consumer wealth.
'People's car'
Indian car sales are predicted to more than quadruple to $145bn by 2016.
Company chairman Ratan Tata said the launch of the Nano was a landmark in the history of transportation.
He said the car was "a safe, affordable and all weather transport - a people's car, designed to meet all safety standards and emissions laws and accessible to all".
Environmental critics have said that the car will lead to mounting air and pollution problems on India's already clogged roads.
But Tata said the car had passed emission standards and would average about 50 miles to the gallon, or 20 kilometres to the litre.
The firm also said it would introduce a diesel version of the Nano at a later date.

Floods in Ampara: over 40,000 families affected

Heavy rain since Saturday night in Ampara district has flooded Pothuvil, Thirukkovil, Aalayadivempu, Akkaraipattu, Addalaichchenai and Sainthamaruthu areas, forcing many residents to seek shelter in places of worship, schools and public buildings, sources in Ampara said.
Many still remain in their houses though flood water had seeped into their dwellings. Ampara District Secretariat authorities said details of the affected families are being collected through the Regional Secretariats and the Village Officers (Grama Sevakas) in the flooded areas, and relief work will commence soon.
Majority of the people affected in Ampara district are Muslims and Tamils.
Transport and travel in Ampara district are badly affected due to roads being submerged in rushing floods.


Floods! Floods ! Floods! in the East- same area where the tsunami was.

Continuous rain is playing havoc in the east. Villages are flooded, the roads are under water and some areas are inaccessible.
Natpattimunai 250 families, attalaicheneai 200 families, , akkaraipathu 1000 families,, Pottuvil 1500 families,thirukovil ... many families,. number not known. If this situation continues Pothuwil total village will be displaced.
Please help. they need food, clothes and Milk food for children.
Please pray for them.
Cantact Mou. Abudul Rahman of JI for details +94777 418345 or MFCD

Did Bush Watch the Torture Tapes?

12/27/07 "Harpers" -- -- The Times (London) Washington correspondent, Sarah Baxter, reporting with a summary of the developments in the case involving the CIA's destruction of recordings of the treatment of Abu Zabaydah, points to the growing belief in Washington that President Bush viewed the torture tapes. Baxter reports:

It emerged yesterday that the CIA had misled members of the 9-11 Commission by not disclosing the existence of the tapes, in potential violation of the law. President George W Bush said last week he could not recall learning about the tapes before being briefed about them on December 6 by Michael Hayden, the CIA director. "It looks increasingly as though the decision was made by the White House," said Johnson. He believes it is "highly likely" that Bush saw one of the videos, as he was interested in Zubaydah's case and received frequent updates on his interrogation from George Tenet, the CIA director at the time.

It has emerged that the CIA did preserve two videotapes and an audiotape of detainee interrogations conducted by a foreign government, which may have been relevant to the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui, the Al-Qaeda conspirator. The CIA told a federal judge in 2003 that no such recordings existed but has now retracted that testimony. One of the tapes could show the interrogation of Ramzi Binalshibh, a September 11 conspirator, who was allegedly handed to Jordan for questioning.

In this regards, the sequence of statements out of the White House is extremely revealing. It started with firm denials, then went silent and then pulled back rather sharply to a "President Bush has no present recollection of having seen the tapes." This is a formulation frequently used to avoid perjury charges, a sort of way of saying "no" without really saying "no." In between these statements, two more things unfolded that have a bearing on the question.

The New York Times squarely placed four White House lawyers in the middle of the decision about whether to destroy the tapes—Alberto Gonzales, David Addington, John Bellinger and Harriet Miers. It also reported that at least one of them was strongly advocating destruction. Suspicion immediately fell on the principle mover in support of torture, David Addington.

Second, John Kiriakou clarified his statements about the purpose for which the tapes were made. It was to brief higher ups about the process of the interrogation. Reports persist that one "higher-up" in particular had a special strong interest in knowing the details of the Abu Zubaydah case. His name is George W. Bush.

Are Bush's denials that he has seen the torture tapes really credible? I don't think so. And having seen them, the interest in their destruction would be equally fierce, which helps account for the involvement of the White House's four most senior lawyers in the process. No doubt about it. The White House desperately wants to scapegoat some CIA people over this. (Laura Rozen's article "Operation Stop Talking" is the best treatment so far of this phenomenon, which finds its best current expression in the effort to "get" John Kiriakou). But the trail leads to the White House, and that is clearly where the decision was taken. It will be interesting to see the techniques used by the Justice Department to obscure all of this. At this point, no one who's tracked Justice Department antics over the past six years is anticipating anything but a crude cover-up.

Torture Lawyer's Appointment Blocked
In 1946, the United States prosecuted two Justice Department lawyers for a peculiar crime. They had written memoranda which, in disregard of international law, facilitated the torture and abuse of prisoners. They were sentenced to ten years in prison, less time served. That was in the days when the Justice Department lived up to its name. The case is called United States v. Altstoetter. It would be a good case for Michael Mukasey to read; his underlings could benefit from a reading, too, since the time is approaching when it's going to have some direct impact in their own lives.

In George Bush's America, however, lawyers who specialize in making torture and abuse possible are promoted. Indeed, they become attorney general and get appointed to Court of Appeals judgeships. And one of the key figures in this disgraceful saga is Steven Bradbury, the "acting" head of the Office of Legal Counsel. Many senators demanded that Michael B. Mukasey withdraw his nomination to head the office after it was learned that he had issued memoranda enabling waterboarding and other torture practices. In fact, it was later learned that Bradbury was brought into the job in a rush when his predecessor, Daniel Levin, started exploring the need to impose limits on waterboarding. Levin was fired so that Bradbury could come in and confirm that under Bush torutre knows no limits.

However, Mukasey's decision to wink at the process of torture and abuse is nowhere more evident than in his decision to proceed with the promotion of one of the prime torture lawyers, Bradbury. President Bush was prepared to use his recess appointment power to reward Bradbury with an order which would take away the word "acting" and make his position permanent—within the time limits of the recess appointment.

But the Senate figured this out, and by convening every day, it has blocked the appointment. As the Associated Press's Laurie Kellman reports:

A nine-second session gaveled in and out by Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va., prevented Bush from appointing as an assistant attorney general a nominee roundly rejected by majority Democrats. Without the pro forma session, the Senate would be technically adjourned, allowing the president to install officials without Senate confirmation.

Bravo for the Senate.

Remembering those in Need
On Christmas Day, the superscript in the New York Times read, just as it has read for a century: "It's Christmas Day. Remember the Neediest!" And on St. Stephen's Day, as Christmas continued, the editors of the Times did exactly that. They authored an editorial addressing the rotting cesspool of a Justice Department that the Bush Administration has created, and all the unfinished business which Congress must pick up in the coming year. And right at the top of the list was this:

There is evidence of impropriety in several recent prosecutions, including that of Don Siegelman, a former governor of Alabama who is serving a lengthy prison sentence. Mr. Mukasey needs to investigate Mr. Siegelman's case and others that have been called into question to ensure that no one was wrongly put in jail by his department, and that anyone who acted improperly is held accountable.

The integrity of the Justice Department is precious. The fair application of the law is the cornerstone of American justice and American democracy. A halfway resolution of this scandal is not enough. It needs to be investigated vigorously and completely.

The fact is, since coming to office six weeks ago, Michael Mukasey has not lifted a finger to address the egregious abuses that led to the false charges brought against Governor Siegelman and the corrupt process by which he was convicted. This continues to stain the Department of Justice. And, as we will soon be exploring in greater detail, the Justice Department continues to cover up, make apologies for the gross misconduct of those involved in the Siegelman case and to obstruct a proper investigation of prosecutorial misconduct by Congress. This scandal continues to fester, and the New Year must bring a renewed effort to secure justice and to punish those who perpetrated this abuse.

10 Myths About Iraq
American mainstream media coverage from Iraq remains pathetic. It's heavily skewed by politics, which is to say, it doesn't cover things in Iraq as they are. Rather it presents the vision of Iraq emanating from political leaders in the United States—from the White House and from Congress. In both cases, this vision reflects 90% political aspirations and interests and 10% reality. Shouldn't the media be reporting on the facts on the ground rather than the politics in Washington?

Also those facts on the ground consist not just of the U.S. forces performing their mission, they include the complex political situation in the country as well. That's the vastly more important story that regularly gets swept under the carpet because it's "too complicated. " Complicated enough to warrant the expenditure of American lives and treasure, of course.

So what's the remedy? I'd start with Juan Cole's Informed Comment, still the indispensable supplement—and the best way to get a peek at the eyes and ears of the local and regional press, all within fifteen minutes. His posting yesterday is really superior—it's Ten Myths About Iraq. And here's a snippet:

Myth: The US public no longer sees Iraq as a central issue in the 2008 presidential campaign.
Fact: In a recent ABC News/ Washington Post poll, Iraq and the economy were virtually tied among voters nationally, with nearly a quarter of voters in each case saying it was their number one issue. The economy had become more important to them than in previous months (in November only 14% said it was their most pressing concern), but Iraq still rivals it as an issue!

Myth: There have been steps toward religious and political reconciliation in Iraq in 2007.
Fact: The government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has for the moment lost the support of the Sunni Arabs in parliament. The Sunnis in his cabinet have resigned. Even some Shiite parties have abandoned the government. Sunni Arabs, who are aware that under his government Sunnis have largely been ethnically cleansed from Baghdad, see al-Maliki as a sectarian politician uninterested in the welfare of Sunnis.

Myth: The US troop surge stopped the civil war that had been raging between Sunni Arabs and Shiites in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad.
Fact: The civil war in Baghdad escalated during the US troop escalation. Between January, 2007, and July, 2007, Baghdad went from 65% Shiite to 75% Shiite. UN polling among Iraqi refugees in Syria suggests that 78% are from Baghdad and that nearly a million refugees relocated to Syria from Iraq in 2007 alone. This data suggests that over 700,000 residents of Baghdad have fled this city of 6 million during the US 'surge,' or more than 10 percent of the capital's population. Among the primary effects of the 'surge' has been to turn Baghdad into an overwhelmingly Shiite city and to displace hundreds of thousands of Iraqis from the capital.


How distant is dawn for little Zana

The home and family of "little Zana" whose father was beaten to death while they looked on helplessly

Little Zana, Nizam and Niyar were playing in front of their 'house -a shack made of up of planks and zink sheets. This structure has provided shelter to Zana and her 12 brothers and sisters for over 15 years. Recently however their lives took a turn for the worse in the aftermath of the gruesome killing of their father Jiffrey who was beaten to death before their eyes. Today despite the trauma of their father's death, Zana and her family are putting up a bold effort to survive amidst all manner of obstacles. Fathima Zana (11) and her two brothers Nisam (12) and Niyar (13) are grade 6 students at C. Rathanapala Vidyalaya. Her youngest brother Safran (8) is a student in grade 3.
Even though she has no way of ironing her uniforms, little Zana says she loves to go to school and enjoys the time shes spends with her school friends. Explaining the reason why three of her siblings study in the same grade, Fathia Ziyana (27), Zana's eldest sister said that she had never been to school as their parents never had the capacity to send them to school. "Today with support from the 'Samurdhi movement' the young ones are now able to do so."
She said that as they were unable to gain admission to school in time most of the children are in lower grades.Ziyana lamented that this was causing her siblings to drop out from school as well. Nisam who suffered severe burns by accidentally knocking on the table lamp was hospitalised for 3 months and ever since, he has been reluctant to go to school. Jaira (14) stopped schooling while she was in Grade 5 complaining that she was unable to study with younger students in grades lower than she normally she have been in. Fathima Faruk, Zana's mother said the family was unable to send the children to school as they did not possess sufficient resources to send their children to school.
"All the schools ask for money and we didn't have money", she explained. However, most of the children dropped out from school to help support the family income. Jazzar, who is now 16, dropped out of school after grade 5 as the family needed economic support.
"We facing a life and death struggle daily, especially after the tragic death of my husband", the mother said. Ziyana said her father was killed on the 17th of October. She said the incident occured while they were watching a quarrel which had taken place at a wedding house in the vicinity.
"A large crowd had gathered at the "watta" to watch what was happening when suddenly two people came and caught my father by the collar and began beating him. Subsequently more people began to assault my father. My brother Jazaar and I went to rescue him but they attacked us too", she explained.
"We were unable to rescue him until the police arrived around an hour later. By then he was unconscious and died without opening his eyes again" Ziyana said. The police arrested 4 people in the group that assaulted Jiffrey, but the two prime suspects named Nanda and Padme have not yet been arrested.
After the sudden death of their father the family had no proper income until the third son Mohamad Nazaar (18) found a job in a garment factory recently. The second son, Mohammad Sali (21) recently hired a three-wheeler, but said his income was low as he had to pay Rs.300/- to the owner of the three-wheeler as a daily rent. The fourth son Jazaar (16) works as a casual domestic labourer at houses in the area.
"People who are directed to us by the mosque are the only support we have presently", Fathima said explaining that she was unable to contribute toward the family economy as she has to remain indoors to perform Iddah, -Muslim widows staying inside their homes for 4 months 10 days after the death of their husbands.
The problems of the family are further compounded by the fact that they have to pay Rs, 1,000/- rent for the "house" they live in. Though they light only 2 bulbs, the family has to cough up another Rs. 1,000/- for the electricity connection they have received from a neighbouring house.
Jazaar, the fourth son lamented that their supply of electricity had been cut off as they couldn't pay the Rs.1000/-. He said the owner of the house from where they got the electricity connection had promised to reconnect their supply once the money was paid. "We were asked to leave the house as well as we couldn't pay the house rent. They asked us to go even before a week passed after my father died", he said.
Fatima Riyana (17), the fourth daughter is allegedly a victim of a wrong injection given to her at the Lady Ridgeway Children's Hospital when admitted for Hepatitis. She has been disabled ever since. While she is able to talk and behaves normally her legs have been disabled. The three elder children are married and live separately but are unable to support the family. Devastated by the fact that her elder children are unable to offer help, Fathima Faruk lamented that her position was become worse than ever.