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Sri Lanka


Requesting   Fund Help For a Spine Surgery

I am Fathima Hussaima of 381/1, Galayaya, Maho. I am 14 years old and schooling at Madapokuna Mahira Muslim Vidyalaya at Grade 09.  I am suffering from Spine Deformity (Scoliosis) and now I am getting treatment from Dr.M.Wasantha Perera, Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon at Colombo National Hospital. Since it was detected that my spine has a curve with 50 degrees we were advised to undergo a Spinal cord surgery by our Consultant. Though the Surgery will be done in NHSL, we have to provide the Spinal Implant which would cost Rs. 550,000.00. We have been granted Rs.150, 000.00 from President's Fund. Now we are seeking the support of our kind-hearted brothers and sisters.
My parents are unable to bear this huge amount from their earnings. I have 03 brothers and a sister and all of them are still schooling.

All relevant medical documents are attached for your kind information.
So I pleased   to request you to consider about this appeal and help us to undergo this surgery as much as possible. I would like to become normal quickly and would like to continue my education without any interruptions.

As Allah says in the Holy Quran He would bless you in this world and in the Here-after.

"Nothing do ye spend in the least (in His cause) but He replaces it: for He is the Best of those who grant Sustenance" (Quran 34:39) 
I shall be very   grateful to you for this generous help.

Bank A/C details (Mother's)

A/C No: 8394614

Jazakallahu Hairan

F. Hussaima


What is Appendicitis?
Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix, a small pouch attached to the cecum, the beginning of the colon, on the lower right side of the abdomen. The appendix is not necessary for life, but it can become diseased. If untreated, an inflamed appendix can burst, causing infection and even death. Appendicitis can affect people at any age. It is most common in people ages 10 to 30.
The cause of appendicitis is usually unknown. It may occur after a viral infection in the digestive tract or when the opening connecting the large intestine and appendix is blocked. The inflammation can cause infection, a blood clot, or rupture of the appendix. Because of the risk of rupture, appendicitis is considered an emergency. Anyone with symptoms needs to see a doctor immediately.
Symptoms of Appendicitis?
The most common symptoms of appendicitis are:
  • pain in the right side of the abdomen
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • constipation
  • diarrhea inability to pass gas
  • low fever that begins after other symptoms
  • abdominal swelling
  • anorexia
The pain usually begins near the navel and moves down and to the right. The pain becomes worse when moving, taking deep breaths, coughing, sneezing, and being touched in the area.
Not everyone with appendicitis has all the symptoms. People with symptoms of appendicitis should not take laxatives or enemas to relieve constipation because these medicines could cause the appendix to burst. Pain medicine can mask symptoms that the doctor needs to know about, so it should not be used before consulting a doctor when appendicitis is suspected.
The doctor bases an appendicitis diagnosis on symptoms, a physical exam, blood tests to check for signs of infection such as a high white blood cell count, and urine tests to rule out a urinary tract infection. Usually doctors use CT scan or ultrasound to see whether the appendix looks inflamed.
If the diagnosis of appendicitis is not certain, people with equivocal signs of appendicitis may be watched and sometimes treated with antibiotics.
People with definite appendicitis have surgery to remove the appendix, which is called an appendectomy. Doctors may use laparoscopic surgery for appendectomy. This technique involves making several tiny cuts in the abdomen and inserting a miniature camera and surgical instruments.
 The surgeon then removes the appendix with the instruments, so there is usually no need to make a large incision in the abdomen. People can live a normal life without their appendix--changes in diet, exercise, or other lifestyle factors are not necessary.
What is the Appendix?
The Appendix is a worm-shaped appendage that sticks out from the top portion of the large intestine.
The appendix can become inflamed. If an inflamed appendix is not treated immediately, the appendix can burst.
What is the Main Function of Appendix?
The main function of the appendix is unknown.
Diseases and Conditions of the Appendix?
Appendicitis and Carcinoid Syndrome are the most common conditions that affect the appendix. Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix.
Carcinoid syndrome is a condition where caracinoid tumors grow in the appendix. The tumors may spread to other parts of the body.

Acidity - Symptoms Causes


Acidity refers to a set of symptoms caused by an inequity. More names for acidity are hyperacidity or acid dyspepsia. Acid reflux or Acidity is one of the most normal diseases that cause heart burns in the upper body

Acidity can be a result of inappropriate dietary regimen or stress. It is a problem which when left unattended to, results in peptic ulcer and other complications. It is quite a simple problem when it begins, but it can get out of hand easily if not taken critically. It means the excess secretion of acid by the gastric glands of the stomach.

The usual signs of heartburn are a burning sensation or pain in the stomach after one to four hours of a meal. The too much secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach causes acidity. Acidity can be a result of improper dietary regimen or stress
The too much secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach causes acidity. Some causes of acidity include Alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, chocolate, citrus, tomato, peppermint, fried and fatty foods, over-eating, stress, some medications, and being overweight. Acid Reflux Disease causes harms to the esophagus as the acidic contents from the stomach, containing acids and pepsin, pushes back to the esophagus since the sphincter develops into weak and can no-more prevent the contents from stomach from gushing back in esophagus

Skipping meals, not eating on time, fried and spicy food, stress, anxiety, insomnia, obesity, pregnancy, smoking, alcohol, and wearing tight clothes can give you hyperacidity and heartburn.

Acidity is a problem that occurs very commonly; so going in for allopathic medications every time doesn't seem to be a very good thought. Some herbal remedies are very effective in the treatment and prevention of acidity
Symptoms of Acidity

The main symptoms of acidity are:
Dyspepsia and heartburn
Discomfort, burning sensation in the upper part of the gut area, especially after eating.
Regurgitation of the gastric contents
Loss of appetite
Nausea, vomiting
Feeling of sickness
Flatulence accompanied by burping

Causes of Acidity

Acidity may be caused by many conditions such as:

# Medical conditions, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease, stomach ulcers
# Hyperthyroidism - excessive secretion of the thyroid gland.
# Anxiety, anger and stress.
# Constipation, flatulence or intestinal gases.
# Artificial stimulants or the thought of nearing the food time can create acidity.
# Excessive intake of stimulants like tea, coffee etc.
# Excessive intake of fried foods, spicy or pungent food,
# As a side-effect of some drugs used for treating other illnesses
# Overeating along with bad food combinations. Overeating puts extra load on the stomach, liver, kidneys.
# Eating too rapidly, therefore improper salivation of food.
# Excessive smoking, intake of alcohol
# Tendency to eat and drink together
# Insomnia
# Lack of exercise.
# Long gaps between meals leads to acidity, as it gives the acid in the stomach more time to act.

Home Remedies for Acidity

1) Eat a cup of vanilla ice cream or drink a glass of cold milk to get rid of acidity. This is an easy Home Remedy for Acidity.

2) Raita prepared with fresh curd, grated cucumber, fresh coriander, tomato is a sure shot remedy in aiding digestion, and helps eliminate acidity.

3) Mint: Fresh mint juice taken every day or fresh mint leaves boiled in a cup of water and sipped slowly after meals also helps to keep the stomach acids at bay

4) Mint juice before meals keeps acidity at bay. This is another good Home Remedy for Acidity.

5) Chewing 5-6 basil leaves relieves flatulence and acidity.

6) Half a glass of fresh pineapple juice should be taken after a meal for treating and preventing acidity

7) A piece of jaggery or gur after lunch and dinner prevents acidity

8) A very simple remedy for acidity is thin butter-milk mixed with 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper powder

9) One of the common Home Remedies for Acidity - Onion (pyaz): The juice of onions is an excellent remedy for acidity.

10) Habitual eating habits and a healthy diet can prevent acidity

11) Drink plenty of water (at least 6 to 8 glasses per day) and other fluids to maintain the acid balance in the stomach

12) A sherbet made with kokum and jeera gives relief from acidity.

13) Lemon rind can also be eaten to prevent heartburn

14) A glass of cold milk provides instant relief. This is an effective Home Remedy for Acidity.

15) Eat almonds to give relief to symptoms of acidity

16) Chew a few holy basil (tulsi ) leaves to get relief

17) Bananas, watermelon and cucumber have protective action against the acidity and heart burn

18) Lemon: Juice of one lemon mixed in half glass of water and ½ teaspoon sugar if consumed before meals helps to relieve acidity

19) When suffering from acidity, drink five to eight glass of coconut water a day. This is another effective Home Remedy for Acidity.
Some Foods to Avoid for Heartburn

There are many foods that are commonly known to cause acid in the stomach and heartburn. These are citrus fruits, tomatoes, fatty foods such as pork chops, deep fried meat, or potatoes, aerated cold drinks, coffee, hot milk and so on. These are just some of the foods one should avoid for heartburn as consuming any of these in excess can cause acute discomfort.

However, not all the items named above react in the same way on everyone. People have different reactions to different stimulants and hence, one will need to carefully watch and identify which foods cause the greatest harm. Once you have a list, eliminate those foods from your diet to the extent possible. For example if you find that hot milk causes acute heartburn, then either stop having it altogether, or have it at room temperature or ice cold.
Similarly, with fatty foods - either totally stop having them or have a Tums right before or after the meal which will neutralize the excess acid formed in the stomach.

Some Mobile Manners

The mobiles industry wants as many people as possible to enjoy the benefits of mobile telecommunications and encourages individuals to use their mobile phones in a responsible manner and to be considerate and aware of situations where using their mobile phone might annoy others.

1. When in doubt, always go out

When possible go outside or to another room to make your call if your call might disturb others. Also, features such as text messaging answering services, call diversion and vibration alert can be used to receive important calls without disturbing others.

2. If you can't turn it off, use silent mode

If you need to keep your phone on for important calls, then turn it to silent or vibrate mode. It's the ring of a mobile phone in inappropriate places and times such as at the tennis or in restaurants which annoys people the most.

3. When required turn your phone off and check it's off

There are some places where people should never talk on a mobile phone or send text messages and where the ringing of a mobile phone or message alert is considered highly unacceptable, such as: movies, stage shows, weddings, funerals, concerts, speeches, classrooms and lectures. In these cases, turn your phone off and remember to check it's off before you enter the venue. You can always check your voicemail, text messages or your answering service afterwards.

4. Keep your conversations private

People's sense of personal space varies in each situation. Making a call in a busy pub may be okay, but talking loudly in a confined space like a lift or on a train tends to infringe on others personal space. Be aware of where you are and who you are with and what others are doing before deciding to make or accept a call. In some situations it might be better to send a text message.

5. Speak softly

Mobile phones have very sensitive microphones that can pick even the softest voice, so there is no need to shout. If you are having trouble hearing the other caller, check that you have the volume on your phone set high enough.

6. You don't always have to answer- use your messaging service

It's a natural reflex to answer your phone if it rings, however, if you forget to put your phone on silent or vibrate mode and it rings at an inappropriate moment, send the call to voice mail or your answering service (usually by pressing the hang-up key).

7. Talk to the one you're with

If you receive a call during a conversation, send the call to your voicemail or answering service. Your first priority should be to the person you are with. However, if you are expecting an important call let the person you're with know before the call arrives and excuse yourself before accepting the call.

8. Don't send inappropriate messages

Messaging is a great way to communicate, but don't send offensive or threatening text, voice, picture or any other sort of message, because it is a criminal offence to use a mobile phone to menace or harass someone. Also receivers can save messages and easily identify you as the sender.

9. Respect others' privacy when using in-phone cameras

In-phone cameras shouldn't be used anywhere a normal camera would be considered inappropriate, such as in change rooms or toilets. You should ask for permission before you take someone's picture. Also bear in mind that some venues do not allow the use of cameras and may refuse entry to anyone with one.

10. Ban the ring: not the phone

Wherever conversations are normally acceptable, venues can help by asking people to turn their phones to silent or vibrate mode rather than turning it off. This approach will help with compliance, especially for people who need their phone for important calls. Venues can also assist by reminding people to set their phones to silent mode, before they enter.